My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I say this every time, but I really like the S.A.S.S. series because they feature better teenage female protagonists than so many other books out there. It's great to feel good about recommending this series to teen girls. :) Having said that, I must confess this wasn't my favorite installment. The program attendees did not have the diversity I've come to expect. Usually, the students come from a variety of backgrounds and I like that. This one, however, dealt with Chinese people almost exclusively. I found that bothersome and a touch unrealistic. Yes, the program was set in China and the main character chose that program partially because of her Chinese heritage. However, I thought it was odd that almost every character was Chinese. In real life, these kind of programs should promote diversity and choose students to represent that, so I was a touch disappointed when the book didn't depict that. Overall, however, I liked CeCe's story and the way it all worked out. At the end of the day, I look forward to reading more of this series in the future as well. :)
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