rating: 2 of 5 stars
Okay, I like the series well enough, but I wasn't a huge fan of this installment. I don't understand how anyone can be Team Jacob! I don't like his character much at all in this one. He's a bit of a jerk and I don't see his appeal for Bella. If I were to compare this love triangle to the Stephanie Plum/Joe/Ranger one... Well, on second thought, there isn't much of a comparison. I like both Joe and Ranger and I think they each have pros and cons. I can clearly see the cons for Edward and Jacob, but I was really not seeing enough pros for Jacob. Sorry! Truthfully, there aren't a lot of negatives for Bella choosing Edward either, in my opinion. I don't know. Well, now on to the next book in the series and I have to say, I'm kind of glad I'm almost done with it all. I will never feel the way about the Twilight series that I felt about Harry Potter. Oh well.
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