rating: 1.5 of 5 stars
The ending was pretty weak, if you ask me. Overall, it was probably the most disappointing book in the series, even though it had some of my favorite parts.
I was very happy to see that Bella finally became a vampire. I figured she would have a baby before becoming a vampire while reading the third book, so that wasn't a surprise for me. I knew her dream about the Volturi meant they would be visiting at the end. I also guessed that they were visiting to try and have the Cullens, particularly the baby, join their ranks. It was obvious that Alice would pop up in the end to help save the day. Oh and can I just say that Reneesme is the dumbest name EVER? I hated it. I also disliked the ending because it was pointless. The Volturi show up, with their biggest numbers ever, and then nothing happens? One vampire dies and that's it? There was no fighting? Nothing? Really!?!?! Lame. Sorry, Ms. Meyer, but I wanted more. Ugh. Oh well. At least Bella became a great vampire and that's better than nothing. :)