I just finished Anyone But You by Jennifer Crusie the other night. I'm not a huge fan of the romance genre, but I do like most of the books by this particular author. They aren't "bodice rippers" or full of that "I want (insert main female character's name here), but she's so wrong for me" and "I want (insert main male character's name here), but he's so wrong for me" crap. Those kind of romance novels make me want to hurt people. No, Jennifer Crusie writes contemporary romance novels that are generally enjoyable. I'm not a big fan of the sex scenes, but I'm usually standing alone in that assessment. There's just something about reading a scene full of oral sex that just doesn't work for me. Personally, it's a turn off, but luckily, this book didn't go overboard in that department. I loved the dog, Fred, because he's got a lot of personality for a canine character. Plus, my parents have a basset hound, so it's easy to imagine how Fred behaves. Although Fred is considerably more quiet than Columbo will ever be! Honestly, Columbo sounds like a walrus half the time. But, I digress.
If I remember correctly, my cousin bought this book for me for my birthday last year. She picked a good one! It was brain candy-ish for sure, but sometimes I'm in the mood to read something light. Overall, I think I'd give it 4/5 stars. It wasn't quite as good as Welcome to Temptation, but it was good all the same. This was the 67th book I've read in 2007.
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