Thursday, June 12, 2008

Books Read 04/08

Well, I'm late making this update, but it won't be a big deal because I didn't read too many books in April. In fact, I only finished 3 books in April. Sigh. For someone that usually enjoys reading a lot more, this is difficult to admit. I'm just in a reading slump of sorts. I can't wait for it to pass. Please, reading Gods, help me get back into reading again!

Anyway, here is what I read in April of 2008.

17. Getting the Boot (S.A.S.S) by Peggy Guthart Strauss 04/03/08
18. The Places In Between by Rory Stewart 04/18/08
19. Pretties by Scott Westerfeld 4/23/08

First up, is Getting the Boot, part of the Students Across Seven Seas series. This is a YA series, but I very much enjoy it. The books revolve around a teen girl studying abroad for a length of time and how the adventures affect her. Generally speaking, they are all great. This one wasn't a favorite for me though. The main character wasn't as likable overall, but it was still a fun read. This particular character was a little more rebellious than the typical SASS girl. I found that interesting and annoying at times. I liked the realism of a rebellious teen because it's quite common, but I also found it mildly annoying at times because I want these strong female protagonists to be better than that. I hated seeing her waste so much time on a jerk of a boy. Actually, that's a big part of what I didn't like about this one. Normally, the girls in these novels have some sort of boy character that plays an important part. But, at the end, the girls realize that they don't need a boy in order to be successful or better in any way. Of course, the main character in this one comes to the same conclusion, but not before wasting half of the book with him and getting into trouble because of him. Annoying! But, like I said, she eventually figures it all out and the ending is satisfying.

Oy. Next up, I read The Places In Between by Rory Stewart. I had high hopes for this book. Perhaps, my hopes were a little too high though because man, this book disappointed me. The premise is that Rory wants to walk across Afghanistan, following the route of a 15th century emperor. He begins his journey in 2002, which was during a tumultuous time of great change in Afghanistan. I wanted to gain a better understanding of the country and its people while reading this book, but sadly, I didn't really get that at all. I felt like I was getting a detached, unemotional play by play of an epic journey. There was a serious lack of information throughout the book. While the author mentions intimate details about his dysentery, he rarely gave anything else much thought. The book really needed some commentary or something. Oh well. Not every book can be a winner, right?

Finally, I read Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. I love this YA series! Book 2 was not a disappointment in the least. It left me wanting more. I'm not usually a big fan of futuristic/science fiction- like books, but this series is fantastic! I highly recommend that people of all ages give it a shot. It will give you a lot to think about as an adult. What would you do if you found yourself in Tally's position? I don't want to get too into a synopsis though because it's difficult to explain. Also, if you do decide to give the series a try, start with book 1 or you'll be quite confused.

Favorite book read: Pretties, of course!
Least Favorite book: The Places In Between

Number of books read April 2008: 3 (...sigh...)
Number of books read April 2007: 5

Monday, April 7, 2008

Books Read 03/08

Wow. I must admit that March was an EXCELLENT reading month for me. I didn't read a large number of books, but they were all fantastic! March became a wildly busy month for me and I just didn't have the energy to read very much. Luckily, it seemed like every book I picked up was a total winner. What are the chances of that happening? Anyway, here's what I read:

13. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer 3/02/08
14. Tombs of Endearment by Casey Daniels 3/09/08
15. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld 3/15/08
16. Bright Lights, Big Ass: A Self-Indulgent, Surly, Ex-Sorority Girl's Guide to Why It Often Sucks in the City, or Who are These Idiots and Why Do They All Live Next Door to Me? by Jen Lancaster 03/27/08

So, first of all, I started the month with Into the Wild. What an amazing book! The story is fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time. I felt a connection with Chris that I wasn't expecting. I really can't stress enough how awesome this story is and how much I enjoyed it. I understand why Sean Penn would spend years trying to make this into a film. It's a story that is likely to stay with you. I can't wait to see the movie version. It is definitely a book I won't soon forget.

Of course, after the emotional ride of Into the Wild, I was in the mood for something a little lighter. I chose Tombs of Endearment, the third installment of the Pepper Martin series. It was the perfect choice. I still can't believe I'm in love with a paranormal cozy series, but I am. Pepper is funny and definitely gained a little depth in this book. I am looking forward to following Pepper in the future, I can assure you of that! I still wish the author would just tell us who Dan the Brain Man is and what his purpose is, but I'm learning to deal. If his purpose ends up being lame though, I will be totally pissed. Just saying.

Next up, I decided to give Uglies a shot. My 15 year old cousin mentioned this series to me about a year ago. The concept intrigued me, but I wasn't sure if I would like it. Then I started seeing all sorts of hype about the series and figured I should get to reading them sooner, rather than later. I'm very glad I did! This book was great. Of course, I didn't have very high hopes for it at first, but the author really blew me away. It was absolutely fascinating! The next book in the series is en route to me right now and I can't wait to get it. I know I will be rereading this series in the future and recommending it to all sorts of people. It was an easy read but very thought provoking as well. What would I do in the same situation? Seriously, I know this is a young adult novel, but it's one of the best I've read in a while. It's in the same category as Speak and Boy in the Striped Pajamas for me.

Finally, I read Bright Lights. Politics aside, I can't help but feel that Jen Lancaster and I would get along famously. Of course, I'm not sure the world could handle it if we did meet. :) Anyway, she's incredibly funny and this book left me in stitches. It's almost embarrassing to find yourself laughing out loud while reading a book, but I can't help myself! She's just fantastic and I'm glad I ended my crazy stressful month with this great book. Thanks Jen for making my life a little better when things were hectic. You rock!

Favorite Read: All of them! Seriously, I couldn't choose between them. They were all great for different reasons.

Number of books read in March 2008: 4 (Okay, that's hard to look at!)
Number of books read in March 2007: 6

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Books Read 02/08

6. Bad Heir Day by Wendy Holden 02/02/08
7. Sorcery and the Single Girl by Mindy Klasky 02/08/08
8. Girl Walking Backwards by Bett Williams 02/13/08
9. The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro 2/17/08
10. Tell Me Lies by Jennifer Crusie 2/22/08
11. Grecian Holiday by Kate Cann 2/25/08
12. Confessions of a Teen Sleuth by Chelsea Cain 2/27/08

Let's just dive in, shall we? I started February off by reading Bad Heir Day by Wendy Holden. Overall, I didn't really care for it. I didn't like several characters and found that I didn't care what happened to them. I hated that one of my least favorite characters never really changed, yet still got everything she wanted. Honestly, I don't even really want to talk about this book because it was that disappointing. Basically, I want to forget I ever read it. Sorry, Ms. Holden.

I haven't been reading too much chick lit recently, but Sorcery and the Single Girl reminded me how much fun it can be! I loved this one. I loved the first book in the series and I will continue to read more if Mindy will write them! I sent her an email after reading A Girl's Guide to Witchcraft telling her how much I loved her book. She replied, because she's 98 kinds of awesome, and I became a huge fan. I try to read at least 3 books by an author before declaring myself a fan, but for Mindy, I made an exception. Keep 'em coming and I'll keep reading! :)

Next, I read Girl Walking Backwards by Bett Williams. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about this book. It wasn't a happy go lucky kind of novel, I can assure you of that! Skye's world is complicated and she doesn't just breeze through life. It was like reading shades of grey. Nothing was very black and white, much like real life. I liked that and found it depressing at the same time. I felt for the main character and her relationships throughout the book. Overall, a good read but rather heavy by the end.

Then I read the Laurie Notaro book. Here's the thing. I had heard that she was funny and I was in the mood to read something light after finishing Girl Walking Backwards. However, I was surprised to find that I didn't care for Notaro's book at all! I didn't even crack a smile while reading. I'd like to think that if I heard her telling these stories, they would be much funnier. I have to believe that the magic of her story was lost in the translation from the spoken word to the written word. Honestly, there has to be a reason why I thought this book sucked! I'm willing to give her another try in the future, but wow, I was really disappointed by this book. I really think my life is more comical than hers, even without punchlines or exaggerations. As Stephen Colbert would say, Laurie Notaro, you are on notice!

So, Tell Me Lies by Jennifer Crusie was next and it was a little better. You see, I love books about small towns. I lived in a small town for about 6 years and I loved it. The gossip, the competitiveness, the insanity, and all the rest really appealed to me. So, naturally, when an author writes about the craziness that is small town life, I'm in! Overall, yeah, I liked the book. I did think the main character's obsession with what the neighbors think was over the top, but I don't doubt people like her exist. The romance genre is definitely not my favorite, but I do like most of Crusie's books because of the small town aspect. Tell Me Lies was no exception. I really liked Maddie by the end of the book. She became a great character that I'd want to be friends with in real life. Overall, an enjoyable read for sure.

Grecian Holiday was up next and it also proved to be an enjoyable read. Kelly's boyfriend wants her to join him on a summer vacation with his friends, but she's smart enough to realize that it would be a bad idea. They fight and argue and part on bad terms. Instead, Kelly decides to head to Greece with her friend Jade and Jade's friend Sarah. Jade is not a great character and annoying to say the least. By the end of it all, I started to think she was actually Jade from America's Next Top Model. Ha! But, the friendship of Kelly and Sarah really held my interest. In fact, I kind of wish we could have heard the story from Sarah's point of view. She comes off as the most changed by the end of the book and she had the most substance throughout. Oh well. Instead we get Kelly. Kelly has to figure out what to do about her difficult boyfriend and their relationship. Sometimes I found her a little annoying, but again, Sarah really made the novel for me. At the end of the day, I enjoyed it well enough.

Finally, however, I read Confessions of a Teen Sleuth, which just may be one of the best books I've ever read. I loved it. I giggled out loud while reading every few pages. If you decide to read this tremendously hilarious parody of Nancy Drew, please do me a huge favor. Please please please count how many times the author uses the word "titian". I don't know how she managed to use it so often, but it was one of the many things that continued to crack me up while reading. I don't think I can rave about this book enough. It was a fast read but so entertaining! One of my favorite parts had to be when Nancy described the relationship between her tomboy friend George and her roommate V. The whole thing took only half a page to describe, but the impact was absolutely hilarious! Excellent book, especially for a Nancy Drew fan.

Favorite book of the month goes to Confessions, with Sorcery running a close second. Least favorite books of February are the Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club and Bad Heir Day.

Number of books read in February of 2008: 7

Number of books read in February of 2007: 6

Monday, February 4, 2008

Books Read 01/08

So, let's see what I read in January 2008, shall we?

1. I Am America (and So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert 1/4/08
2. The Chick and the Dead (A Pepper Martin Mystery) by Casey Daniels 1/08/08
3. Lean Mean Thirteen (A Stephanie Plum novel) by Janet Evanovich 1/14/08
4. Body Movers by Stephanie Bond 1/22/08
5. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter 1/26/08

January was definitely a SLOW reading month for me. I don't know why, but I just could not read for long periods of time. Many of the books I chose didn't grab me very much either. It was a very off and odd month for me.

Anyway, I started off the new year right with Stephen Colbert's I Am America (and So Can You!). It was an excellent choice. The word searches and margins were hilarious! I found myself laughing out loud while reading, which is always a plus in my world. It was a favorite for the month without a doubt. I don't think I'll be able to swap this one out. It belongs on my shelf right next to America the Book. :)

Next up, The Chick and the Dead by Casey Daniels. This was my second favorite book for the month. So far, I'm really enjoying this new series. I love the cozy mystery feel with the paranormal elements thrown in as well. I like Pepper and can't wait to read more in this series. Very enjoyable!

Then, there's the other 3 books I read. I was disappointed with them all at the end of the day. I had high hopes when I started Lean Mean Thirteen, but I felt quite let down when it was finished. It took me longer to read this one installment than the rest of the series combined! (Okay, not quite, but it really did take me a lot longer than any other Stephanie Plum novel). There was just some magic missing. Please, recapture that magic in the next novel or I fear I may have to quit reading! I never thought I'd see the day when I'd willingly give up on Stephanie Plum, but it's fast approaching.

Then, I made the decision to read Body Movers. Now, part of the problem is that I read the sequel before I read this one, so I knew what was going to happen to a degree. That was my bad decision in the first place. I knew I was reading a sequel to another novel, but I read it anyway. Unfortunately, it really did take away some of my enjoyment for the first in the series. Hopefully, however, when the third comes out, I'll be blown away and ready for it. It really wasn't a bad read, it just did not grab my attention when I knew so many of the details already. Oh well.

Finally, I read I'd Tell You I Love You.... I'm not typing out the entire freaking title again. Sorry. Now, this book had a lot of potential. The main character is a student at a school for spies and that is what piqued my interest. There is so much an author could do with that premise! Overall, though, it fell a little flat. I think I've been spoiled by the Students Across Seven Seas stories and I was looking for a stronger heroine. I wanted her to be a total badass and instead she's totally kick ass until she interacts with a boy. I would like to think that a girl with so much spy training would have a confidence in her that she'd carry every where. Still, it was a fascinating premise and I might read the sequel at some point just to see if it gets better.

Favorite book: Tough call, but I might give the edge to Chick and the Dead.
Least favorite: Another tough call, and I think I have to give it to Lean Mean Thirteen. It hurts to type that. :(

Number of books finished in January 2008: 5
Number of books finished in January 2007: 7